Success Story on Illiteracy

Success Story on Illiteracy

Success Story on Illiteracy

Self-education is power, I firmly believe” says Alfreda,

Among the components found and provided to DREAMS girls enrolled into WORTH+ groups, the provision of basic skills education and literacy is provided by literacy volunteers within the group.

Alfreda is one of the AGYW group DREAMS member, 24 years old, married with children.  Alfreda drop out of school in primary school due divorce between her parents. She was only able to count and read only 1 up to 10 and write single words like ba. Ma, da, cha etc. so could not create words. The Literacy Volunteer in her group supported her through an index for reading and writing and they both developed a route plan for learning that suits her life routine too. The literacy volunteer says…. “It wasn’t easy to start coaching her as she felt offended and ashamed that she can’t read and write

Due to the skills obtained by Literacy Volunteer from the COV, a friendly learning environment was created for Alfreda.  They set days, time and a comfortable venue out of group sessions for leaning. It takes about four (04) months to get her acquire basic reading and writing skills where she can create works.  She can now communicate with her family especially her husband on the mobile phone and is very excited about this.  She said

…” I feel more comfortable in my marriage, I can support my young children with homework too and my husband is happy…. I have a happy relationship with my family especially my husband. I was like load to my husband and whole family as I can’t support them.   Since he can’t send me a text on different family issues once he had no airtime. Now my children can ask me anything to support since they know I can read and write, my value had return.

She thanks group members for the support towards her learning and the group choose her to be one of the 4 group leaders-a Controller so that she can continue learning through documentation of group activities and still her coaches make close follow up on what is documented in collaboration with the COV.