Economic Strengthening

Economic Strengthening

Economic Strengthening

Economic disparity related to gender is an ongoing and complex driver of HIV and in particular AGYW who have limited power and access to resources.  Implementing robust and evidence-based Economic Strengthening (ES) interventions has been a priority for the DREAMS program in Muleba district.

The aim is to decrease AGYW’s vulnerability, reliance on transactional sex and strengthen their self-efficacy, decision-making power in relationships and ultimately improve livelihood.  DREAMS is implemented in all 43 wards of Muleba DC and AGYW are accessed through established groups led by trained COVs.

So far there are over 500 groups.  Considering the large target to meet and the many number of groups, a group based ES approach (rather than an individual approach) has been adopted to ensure all enrolled AGYW groups benefit from ES skills empowerment.

Pictured are a session of AGYW group leaders from16 groups in Muleba DC attending a practical ES skills building session led by SIDO Kagera in collaboration with H-MFoundation and MDH Team. The products produced from training include   peanut butter, chilli sauce, cakes, crisps and buns. Market assessments were done by H-MFoundation Team in collaboration with group leaders and District Trade Officer prior to this training to ensure that products will be marketable.