Success Story on Successful IGA

Success Story on Successful IGA

Success Story on Successful IGA

Failure is the end of my life, it is the courage to continue that matters:

Tausi says  

H-MFoundation implemented the DREAMS project in Nyamagana Municipal Council of from October 2020 to September 2021.


Tausi (17 years of age) is one of the AGYW enrolled into the program and lived with her parents.  She narrates her story of insults from her parents as a result of her failure in form 4 exams.  She was often reminded of the money wasted on her as school fees.

She felt very sad always and could not even ask her parents for alternative support of some seed funds to do an IGA and life became harder and harder for her as the years passed by and continued reminded by her parents that she was a failure.  She was planned to escape and join her peers who lived in the city.  On this fine day, their home was visited by a COV to screen and enrolled AGYW into DREAMS groups in February 2021. She was happy when the COV told her she had been enrolled and was anxious to know what this group was all about.  As the group mentorship started on SBCC and WORTH+ she was happy to gain knowledge on SBCC but had no means to contribute to WORTH+ savings.  She was fortunate and happy to convince her parents to support her once more and was supported by the COV in this. My confidence started to come back again and I continued to be nice to my mother so I have money for group savings.…. Tausi says.

Through the economic strengthening mentorship and linkage to a bakery to learn how to bake cakes, she took a loan and was able to make a few at a time, sell and increase her savings. As she saw some income increasing gradually her confidence continued to grow and during one of the meetings she gave a testimony to her friends: Failure is the end of my life, it is the courage to continue that matters:

She thinks her life has suddenly changed despite failure as she has a skill from which she can make money as an individual.