GBV Reporting

GBV Reporting

GBV Reporting

GBV reporting has been a challenge due to stigma and fear for being known as a GBV abused young girl in the community.  Avitha Kengozi Alfred (not a real name) tells her story of how she opened up.

Avitha is a young woman of 22 years and enrolled on the DREAMS group.  She lives with her grandmother at Kishanda ward prior to living with her parents at Kishanda ward until May 2022. In February 2022, when the Kishanda ward COV visited Avitha’s home to sensitize and enrol AGYW, Avitha was among 20 AGYW recruited by Wivina into their “USHIRIKIANO” group.  During group mentorship on SBCC sessions, Avitha was aware of the need for GBV reporting for care which was emphasized in group sessions.  In 17th May 2022, Avitha decided to disclose her GBV encounter to the COV Wivina. Her father regularly wanted to have sex with her so she decided to tell Wivina but strictly warned her not to disclose to other AGYW. Wivina with support from Field officers, organized an escorted referral to the Village Executive Officer (VEO) EO who summoned both Avitha, her father and Wivina. In this meeting Avitha’s father admitted and was counselled on the bad effects of his intension and promised not to repeat and also become an advocating agent amongst his friends he knew were ding same.  Avitha however, continued to live with her grandmother for fear he would repeat.

Due to disclosure and reporting, Avitha says, she can now visit her parents regularly and freely.  While she encourages other AGYW to report GBV, her father became an advocate of GBV reporting amongst his friends and at community meetings.  “Thank you Wivina and DREAMS project for helping me from being raped by my father.”